Passionate persons who have made adventure biking part of their lifestyle and enjoy it to the fullest, have the perfect setting to do so in Ecuador. The Ecuadorian geography offers natural settings that allow the development of the sport with different technical levels, enjoying several drastic changes in climate and vegetation.
Biking circuits are integrated into other activities such as accommodation, food, crafts and visits to the towns that make up the routes, attracting a conscious tourism demand that enjoy contact with nature.
1. Route Yaguarcocha – El Chota (Imbabura)

The route starts in the Yahuarcocha lagoon, Valle del Chota, and ends at Ambuquí sector. During the tour you can enjoy beautiful landscapes where you can feel the different climate changes. It starts in a temperate Andean region and ends in a semitropical valley. You begin this route from the International Speedway Yahuarcocha in the city of Ibarra, it goes up to the mountain Yuracruz and descends to 1,100 meters until the Chota Valley, Ambuquí sector. Yahuarcocha is located at 6.7 kilometers from downtown Ibarra.
- Route distance: 50 km / Type of road: 2nd and 3rd order. This particular route is suitable for mountain biking.
- Time: 2-4 hours / Difficulty level: Medium – High.
- Schedule: Preferably morning and afternoon / The vehicular entrance to Yahuarocha has a cost of USD 0.50. With hours from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m..
- Other facilities: Parking for vehicles and bicycles.
2. Route: Yachay Trip (Imbabura)

The route begins and ends in Tapiapamba. The highlight of this place are the old houses of haciendas within a diverse landscape with stunning natural setting. The main attractions of this area are the Chachimbiro hot spring, Timbuyacu Ecotourism complex, the Yanaurku volcano lagoons. From the city of Ibarra, it takes 45 minutes by road to Urcuquí (approximately 15 km).
- Route distance: 21 km / Type of road: 2nd and 3er order. Only for mountain biking.
- Time: 1-2 hours / Difficulty level: Medium – High.
- Schedule: Preferably morning and afternoon / Free admission.
- Weather: 15 ° – 18 ° C
- Other facilities: Signaling, exclusive for the route.
3. Route: Imbabura Trip
This route has a stunning view of San Pablo Lake; it also features natural forest in Taita. I starts in the Francisco Páez coliseum in Otavalo and ends at the Guayabillas Protected Forest. The main attractions you will find in this place are the Imbabura volcano, San Pablo Lake, protected forest, Peguche and Guayabillas waterfalls. Likewise, you can discover nearby Otavalo indigenous communities.
- Route distance: 40 km / Type of road: 2nd and 3rd order
- Time: 3-8 hours / Difficulty Level: High
- Schedule: Preferably morning and evening.
- Weather: 12 ° – 16 ° C
- Other facilities: The cities of Otavalo and Ibarra have an important hotel offer.
4. Route: Chaquiñán (Pichincha)

It can start and end at any point of the route, according to the user’s preference. Along the route, there are many highlights such as houses of different styles of construction and old railway stations on the side of the road. On open-sky days, this place offers a spectacular view of the Ruco Pichincha, Cayambe and Ilaló volcanoes, as well as Coturco and Casitahua hills. Walking down this path, you will be able to taste the cuisine of Cumbaya, Tumbaco and Puembo. The route crosses over the Chiche river and there is a small road which leads to the sides of it, which is used to rest and take photographs of the place.
- Route distance: The route allows you travel up to 40km either by walking or cycling. / Type of road: 1st and rd order.
- Difficulty level: Medium and High.
- Hours: 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. / Free admission.
- Weather: 12 ° – 18 ° C
- Other facilities: Restrooms, Parking, Signaling
5. Route: Quinde Ecoroute Walk (Pichincha)
Quinde Ecoroute Walk is a path that begins in Quito, and then it goes up to the northern slope of Pichincha volcano and then it descends to Mindo through Nono, Tandayapa, and San Tadeo towns, where it ends. The altitude variation is amazing and the biodiversity of the route covers a wide range of the northwestern Pichincha forests and the subtropical region of Mindo.
- Route distance: 50 Km / Type of road: 3rd order.
- Time: 3-5 hours / Difficulty level: Medium and High
- Hours: 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. / Free admission.
- Weather: 12-20 C.
- Other facilities: Restrooms, Signaling .
6. Route: Ascent to Chimborazo (Chimborazo)

This route starts and ends in the Chimborazo refuge. It is an ideal place for the observation of flora and fauna. Other attractions to be found here are the Polylepis forest, the Inca´s military headquarters, the Solitary Tree, among others. In addition, inside the Chimborazo refuge you can visit the Royal Palace and La Moya (Museum).
- Route distance: 10 km. / Type of road: 3rd order.
- Time: 30 minutes. / Difficulty level: Moderate.
- Hours: 5:45 to 9:45 – 11:45 to 13:45.
- Weather: Cold.
- Other facilities: Accommodation establishments, restaurants, restrooms, parking and camping area.
7. Route: Trip around Cotopaxi (Cotopaxi)

The route starts at El Caspi Town and ends at the same place. It crosses paths and trails around the Cotopaxi volcano in two phases that generally vary from 60 km to 70 km. The level of technical difficulty of the route is moderate because the roads have already been improved. For that reason, the impact of the bicycles in the moorland area is minimum; nevertheless, the kilometers and the altitude that varies between 9.842 ft. and 13.779 ft establish the exigency of the route.
Many times the climatic conditions can get to very low temperatures, strong winds, rain, hail or even snow. The principal attractions are the Cotopaxi volcano and the Limpiopungo lagoon. From Latacunga, take the E35 highway northbound. This trip, up to the Cotopaxi National Park entrance, takes around 40 minutes using public transportation. From this place to the control station, you can a car. This takes around 15 minutes.
- Route distance: 130 km / Type of road: 4th order
- Time: 36 hours / Difficulty level: high
- Schedule: 08:00 – 16:00 / Free admission
- Weather: 9° to 11°C
- Other facilities: Accommodation establishments, restaurants, restrooms, parking and camping area.
8. Route: Baños – Puyo (Tungurahua – Pastaza)

The route starts in Baños city and ends in Puyo city. During the trek it is possible to watch several places where people practice adventure sports, such as bungee jumping, canopy and canyoning. You can also enjoy uncountable landscapes and rivers along the road, as Pastaza, Negro, Verde and Blanco rivers. Restaurants that serve typical food of the zone can also be found (trout and tilapia) during this route. The main attractions of the place are the Tungurahua volcano, the waterfall route, Manto de la novia, Pailón del diablo and Virgen de Agua Santa church. To arrive at the start point of the route, from Ambato, you can take the buses that travel to Baños, which depart each 15 minutes. The cost of the ticket is USD 1.
- Route distance: 59,4 km / Type of road: 1st route – highway, asphalted path. 2nd route – old road, 40% cobblestone or stone road and 60% asphalted road.
- Time: 4 hours / Difficulty level: low
- Schedule: The trek can be done at every hour of the day. The tour operators of the zone offer several travel packages for this activity. / Cost between USD 10 and USD 15, according to the tour operator.
- Weather: Subtropical
- Other facilities: Accommodation establishments, restaurants, restrooms and parking.
9. Route: Pedernales – Bahía (Manabí)

The most common trek, which is also the easiest for circulation, is the bake lane Bahía – San Vicente – Briceño – Canoa. The main attractions of this place are the Ecological Reserve Mache Chindul; Pedernales and Cabeza de Vaca beaches; Arrastradero; Corcovado; Surrones; Casa Blanca; Juananu; Coco Solo; and Fragata and Los Pájaros islands. You can also visit the Archeological Zone of Santa Teresita and Atahualpa, Nuestra Madre María Auxiliadora of Pedernales church and the Archeological Zone of San Isidro. To get here, from Pedernales or Bahía, you can travel along the concrete highway.
- Route distance: 30 km Bahía – Canoa; 120 km Canoa – Pedernales / Type of road: 1st order
- Time: 2 hours 45 minutes / Difficulty level: Low
- Schedule: All day / Free admission
- Weather: 20°C a 25°C
- Other facilities: Accommodation establishments, restaurants and restrooms.
10. Route: Guayaquil – San Pablo (Guayas – Santa Elena)
The trek starts in Guayaquil (Puerto Azul) and ends at Santa Elena (San Pablo). This is a road in excellent conditions and surrounded by nature, which allows to enjoy the beautiful landscape. The main attractions of the zone are the Puerto Hondo mangrove, Cerro Blanco Protected Forest, The National Park Recreation Area, San Pablo beach. You can also enjoy the delicious gastronomy at San Pablo and visit Real Alto Cultural Museum. From Guayaquil, you can get to the start point of the route by taking the road to the Coast (highway Guayaquil – Salinas). The bake lane starts at Puerto Azul (km 6 ½).
Route distance: 123,5 km: Puerto Azul – El Lagoon Park (17 km); El Lagoon Park – Cerecita (26 km); Cerecita – Progreso (14,5 km); Progreso – San Vicente (52 km); San Vicente – San Pablo (14 km). Consider that the San Vicente – San Pablo road isn’t finished yet, the same as a part of the trek Puerto Azul – El Lago Park / Type of road: 1st order
- Time: 12 hours or more / Difficulty level: High
- Schedule: All day / Free admission
- Weather: 25 °C on average
- Other facilities: Accommodation establishments, restaurants, restrooms and parking.
11. Route: Loja – Vilcabamba (Loja)
This place has several segments. The first segment is Caxarumi, which starts at Cajanuma and ends at Rumishitana; the second one is Mandango, which starts at Vilcabamba Park and ends at Tumianuma; and the third segment is Malacatos Chaupi, it starts at Ceibopamba and ends at Chaupi town. This route has climbing segments at its first part and medium technical level section near to Vilcabamba valley, which is located at 1.700 m (5.577 feet) above sea level. Along the route you will cross cultivation areas, fruit orchards and eucalyptus forests. The main attractions of this route are Mandango hill, Vilcabamba valley, Agua de Hierro and Rumihuilco Reserves. You can get to the place from Loja by taking bus of the Sur Oriente or Vilcabambaturis lines at the Reina del Cisne Bus Terminal. The cost of the bus ticket is USD 1,50.
- Route distance: Loja – Vilcabamba 45 km, Caxarumi – Rumishitana 13 km, trip around Mandango 42 km and Malacatos – Chaupi 12 km / Type of road: 4th order
- Time: Caxarumi (30 min), trip around Mandango (4 hours), Malacatos – Chaupi (1 hour 30 min), Loja – Vilcabamba (2 hours) / Difficulty level: Caxarumi Route (medium – high); Trip around Mandango (high).
- Schedule: Commonly the route is performed from 07:00 to 15:00 / Free admission
- Weather: 20 °C
- Other facilities: Accommodation establishments, restaurants and restrooms.
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